/ fall 2023 / publisher's statement Pressing Forward The concept of unity is more relevant than ever — and it is being demonstrated continuously on the ground in Israel. By Sarah Levin
/ fall 2023 / Introduction Issue on Unity for Israel Unity doesn’t necessitate uniformity. It asks for mutual respect, understanding and genuine acceptance of our diverse backgrounds and beliefs. By Sapir Taib
/ fall 2023 / Featured article Lean on Humility to Bend toward Unity His Moroccan Jewish ancestors, aware they were guests in their own homeland, came to embrace a sense of humility. By David Suissa
/ fall 2023 / The Fallacies of Israel’s East-West Identity Divide are Dissolving … Gradually Sephardi? Mizrahi? One of Israel’s leading demographers delves into history to describe who we really are. By Sergio DellaPergola
/ fall 2023 / A Mesorti-Mizrahi Approach to Travel the Middle Path A movement to bridge opposing sects within Israel finds its roots in the Sephardi morals of hospitality, unity and tolerance. By Ophir Toubul
/ fall 2023 / Aliyah: A Love Story The romance with her fiancé spurred her initial move to Israel, never imagining the love affair she eventually would have with the country. By Gila Green
/ fall 2023 / Video It’s a Beautiful Sephardi Life in Israel After leaving Canada to make aliyah, a TV celebrity and social media influencer finds followers in her positive message of belonging. By Cindy Seni
/ fall 2023 / special exhibit The Poetry of Exile and Return From the Middle Ages to modern day, Sephardi and Mizrahi poetry narrates our nomadic heritage and everlasting search for Zion. By Sarah Sassoon